Exposed: 6 Sneaky Tactics Some Plano TX Fence Company Use to Inflate Prices!

May 22, 2024

We use only the highest-quality materials and cutting-edge techniques to ensure that your fence is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing and adds value to your property.


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The No.1 Best Plano Tx Fence Company- My Texas Fence

The No.1 Best Plano TX Fence Company- My Texas Fence

Are you looking for a Plano TX fence company to help you with your new fence for your place? We’ve seen how some other Plano TX fence companies play tricks to make you pay more.

At My Texas Fence, we believe in being honest and upfront. Not every Plano TX fence company operates like us. We’ve noticed some use tactics to bump up the prices unfairly. But we’re different. That’s why we want you to know about these sneaky moves so you can make a smart choice and not get ripped off:


1.   Hidden Fees

Hidden fees can be a headache when dealing with a Plano TX fence company. These sneaky charges might not show up in the initial quote but can pop up later in the project. One common hidden fee is permits – some companies don’t mention the extra cost of getting permission to install your fence in Plano, Texas. Another surprise fee can be for site prep work, like clearing the area for your fence. Sometimes, unexpected material costs can also drive up the final price.

But at My Texas Fence, we keep things straightforward. Our quotes for fence projects cover all the necessary costs upfront so that you won’t be hit with surprises later on. With us, what you see is what you get – honest pricing and quality workmanship every time.


2.   Low-Quality Materials

When you’re installing a fence in Plano TX, the materials used matter. Some Plano, TX, fence companies try to save money by using cheap materials, but they still charge you as if they’re using the best stuff. They might advertise low prices, but they don’t always tell you what kind of materials they’ll be using.

Using low-quality materials might seem okay at first, but they won’t last as long as better ones. That means you may pay more for repairs or even a new fence sooner than expected. It’s vital to ask the Plano TX fence company about the materials they use before you hire them.

At My Texas Fence, we always use top-quality materials for our fences in Plano TX. We believe in giving our customers the best so their fences stay strong and look good for a long time. When you choose us as your fence company, you can trust that you’re getting quality that lasts.


3.   Overcharging for Labor

Labor costs are a major factor when installing or repairing a fence in Plano, TX. Some companies might exaggerate the amount of labor needed for the job, leading to higher prices that don’t match the actual work required.

This tactic can result in inflated prices that far surpass the true cost of the job. Essentially, homeowners end up paying more for labor than they should, which can strain their budget unnecessarily.

It’s essential for homeowners to be aware of this possibility and to carefully review the breakdown of costs provided by the Plano TX fence company. Asking for detailed estimates and comparing them with quotes from other companies can help ensure you’re not being overcharged for labor.

At My Texas Fence, we believe in fair and transparent labor pricing. We accurately assess the amount of work needed for your fence installation or repair and provide honest quotes that reflect the true cost of the job. When you choose us as your fence company, you can trust that you’re getting value for your money and quality craftsmanship.


4.   Pressure Tactics

When you’re looking to get a fence in Plano TX, watch out for companies that try to rush you into making a decision. These companies might tell you that their offer is only good for a short time or that prices will go up if you don’t decide right away. They might also use aggressive tactics to pressure you into agreeing to things you’re not sure about.

It’s important to take your time and not let yourself feel pressured. Rushing into a decision because of high-pressure sales tactics can lead to regrets later on.

At My Texas Fence, we don’t believe in pressuring our customers. We want you to feel comfortable and confident about working with us. When you choose us as your Plano TX fence company, you can trust that we’ll treat you respectfully and give you the time you need to make the right choice.


5.   Upselling Unnecessary Services

When you’re getting a fence, watch out for companies that try to sell you extra stuff you don’t need. They might push things like fancier materials or warranties, saying they’ll make your fence better. But often, these extras just raise the bill without giving you much in return.

It’s crucial to think carefully before agreeing to any upsells. Make sure they’re actually worth it and fit your budget.

At My Texas Fence, we keep things simple and honest. We won’t pressure you into buying things you don’t need. When you pick us as your Plano TX fence company, you can count on us to give you straightforward advice and only recommend what’s truly best for your project.


6.   Bait-and-Switch

Let’s talk about how some Plano TX fence companies might pull a bait-and-switch:

Say you’re getting a fence installed, and you find a company that gives you a really low price at first. It sounds like a steal, so you hire them. But once they start working, they suddenly tell you there are all these unexpected problems or costs, and they need to charge you a lot more than they originally said.

This bait-and-switch trick is a sneaky way for Plano Texas fence companies to get your business. They lure you in with a low price but then hit you with a much higher bill later, blaming it on things they claim they couldn’t predict.

It’s vital to be careful and ask lots of questions before signing anything with a Plano TX fence company. Make sure you understand exactly what you’re paying for, and watch out for any unexpected charges.

At My Texas Fence, we believe in being upfront and honest. We won’t pull a bait-and-switch on you. When you choose us as your Plano TX fence company, you can trust that the price we quote is the price you’ll pay – no surprises.



At My Texas Fence, we believe in providing our customers fair and transparent pricing. We take the time to understand your needs and preferences and work with you to find a solution that perfectly fits your budget without compromising quality.

When you choose My Texas Fence as your Plano TX fence company, you can trust that you’re getting honest, upfront pricing and superior craftsmanship. Contact us today to learn more about our services and schedule a consultation for your fencing project.



Why should I look for hidden fees when hiring a Plano TX fence company?

  • Hidden fees could increase the cost of your project. When choosing a Plano TX fence company for your project, ask upfront about all potential costs.

How can I be sure that the materials used by a Plano, TX fence company are of good quality?

  • Just ask! My Texas Fence uses only top-notch materials for our fences in Plano TX. That way, you get a fence that looks great and lasts for years.

What should I do if a Plano TX fence company charges too much for labor?

  • Don’t hesitate to get a second opinion! We provide honest quotes at My Texas Fence, so you can be sure you’re getting a fair deal for your Plano TX fence project.

How can I avoid being pressured into a quick decision by a Plano TX fence company?

  • Take your time! At My Texas Fence, we want you to feel comfortable and confident in your decision. Choose us for your Plano TX fence project and get the quality and service you deserve.

What signs should I look for to avoid unnecessary upsells from a Plano TX fence company?

  • Be wary of sneaky companies trying to sell you extras you don’t need. With My Texas Fence, you’ll only get honest recommendations that are right for your fence project.


Are you ready to begin your fence project with a reputable Plano TX fence company? Contact My Texas Fence today to schedule a free consultation!


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